Last September I had the opportunity to visit one of my happy places once again. Ciudad de Victoria, by the name itself, being here makes me feel like I've won so many battles. Whenever I'm here, I always feel delighted and blessed, this place always reminds me of God's love, how His hands can do marvelous things. I'm so glad to be back and as always, I'm surprised by how much this place has changed. My love for gardens had been evident in my previous blogs and I guess you'll be seeing more. Without further ado, let me take you inside Ciudad de Victoria's latest attraction, The Garden.

This pathway full of orchids serves as the main entrance to the garden, walking here while hearing the calming music already made me feel like I'm an entering an enchanted garden. The entrance fee only costs P400.00 and for me it's totally worth it for the serenity and relaxation you'll experience once you get inside.

And just like a real gatekeeper, this colorful little fella will greet you at the end of the orchid pathway, mentally named him Rio.

Flowers of different kind fill the the sides of the walkways. I don't know if it's just me, but being here makes you feel like you're inside a kingdom's garden with the view of the arena as the majestic castle.

Green is indeed the color of calmness.

Hey there white knight. I would love to see them free, but I think they are much safer here than being somewhere else.

Look! there's also a mini play area for the kiddos, had to stop myself for that yellow slide.

There's always something interesting to find in every corner. But one particular place really caught my attention and captured my heart.

It's the greenhouse, the largest one I've seen so far. Being inside really took my breath away. Yes, that's how much I love flowers.

I'm not the picky type, all flowers are beautiful to me. There's a certain kind of energy I feel whenever I see one.

The whole place had to be air-conditioned because some of the flowers are heat-sensitive particularly the imported ones.

I don't mind which one is which, for me, all of them are exquisite.

Is this Belle's rose?

It's so quiet inside all you can hear are crickets, it's really like being in an enchanted forest.

Of course the family picture had to be taken here, it's just sad we're missing one.

I stayed inside the greenhouse for like forever, I almost forgot I still have so many places to see.

There's also a cafe in the middle of the garden, a perfect place where you can sip your tea or coffee with a relaxing view.

It's a feast for the eyes especially for the DIY people (also me)

But of course every enchanted garden has a romantic bridge.

I love how the place is sectioned by different themes. Above is a replica of an old japanese home.

Flowers still in bloom even at night.

A good friend of mine who's in charge allowed me to have a sneak-peek of the portion being developed. I felt very excited.

I already saw how beautiful it is even unfinished. I'm pretty sure it doesn't look like this anymore.

We spent the rest of the night walking and just savoring the magical ambiance of the place.

This place is perfect for a movie scene right? and a couple shot, maybe on the next visit lol

I enjoyed watching the cute couple at the back though haha

I still have this smile on me because there are still so much to see, I hope you enjoyed the little tour and hey come visit the place soon!
Have a flowerful day! :)